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Wear Your Crown Now

Motivation - Laughter - Love - Self Love

All My Stories

 Music, Motivation and Poems.

Be Brave

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Lessons of Life: Things
I've Learned, Moments I Ponder

So, I started my podcast as Eagles Wings originally.  My dad had done a speech on Eagles Wings and I found a cassette of it (yep, old school) when I was going through old things.  To hear his voice after all these years (he lost a battle to cancer when I was 24) was amazing and the message, well, it moved me.  So, I started Eagles Wings. 

Fast forward and I got my crown and something clicked in me.  I knew I had to share what was in my heart, which is all about sparkle and faith.  So, I updated it to Wear Your Crown Now and continue to share my thoughts, motivations and stories.  I hope you enjoy it.

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Wear Your Crown Now Podcast

Wear Your Crown Now is all about being you, embracing yourself and discovering fun and motivation.  Thanks for visiting! 


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